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Q1. What services does Raining360 Limited offer?

Raining360 Limited provides comprehensive property management services, including property maintenance, property sourcing, investment property management, and property acquisition.

Q2. How do I request maintenance or repairs for my property?

You can request maintenance or repairs by contacting our dedicated property management team via phone, email, or through our online portal.

Q3. How do you screen potential tenants?

We conduct thorough background checks(DBS), including credit history, employment verification, and previous landlord references, to ensure we find reliable and responsible tenants for your property.

Q4. How often do you inspect the properties you manage?

We perform routine inspections at least twice a year, or more frequently if necessary, to ensure your property is well-maintained and to identify any potential issues.

Q5. How do you handle rent collection and late payments?

We collect rent on your behalf and enforce lease terms regarding late payments. Our streamlined rent collection process ensures timely rent payments and minimises delinquencies.

Q6. What happens if a tenant breaks their lease early?

If a tenant breaks their lease early, we will handle the situation according to the terms outlined in the lease agreement. Typically, the tenant will be responsible for any remaining rent or associated fees until a new tenant is secured.

Q7. How do you market my property to potential tenants?

We use a combination of online advertising, social media promotion, and traditional marketing methods to maximize your property's exposure to potential tenants.

Q8. Can I choose the type of maintenance services I want for my property?

Yes, you can customize your property maintenance plan to include the services you need. We will work with you to create a tailored maintenance plan that meets your unique requirements.

Q9. How do you handle emergency maintenance requests?

We have a 24/7 emergency maintenance hotline that tenants can call for urgent issues. +447458149879 Our team will respond promptly to address the situation and coordinate any necessary repairs.

Q10. How often will I receive updates about my property?

We provide regular updates on your property's status, including maintenance, repairs, tenant inquiries, and financial reports. You can access this information through our online portal or request email updates.